Welcome! You are about to fill out an application to become a member of the Volunteer Guide Program. By applying, you agree to the following conditions:
Which game would you like to guide on
Please provide your play account name:
Please provide your main play character name:
Please tell us your play servers. (List ALL servers where you have a character irrespective of last played status)
Contact email address
Please tell us your timezone
Please do not give us your password. We do not want it.
Have you ever been a Guide before?
If you have answered Yes, please supply your former Guide name.
Are you over the age of 18?
Why do you want to join the Volunteer Guide Program?
What qualities and skills do you have that you can offer the Volunteer Guide Program?
What other role-playing games have you played? Please give a few examples of the good and bad points of these games
What in-game quest, events, have you been involved with? What did you like/dislike about them and what would you do to improve them?
Please pick a minimum of four of the following scenario's and reply in detail
You have been invited to attend the Grand Ball which is a great honor. You get to the gates of the Clerics Guild when you realize that you have misplaced your invitation. At the gates there are several guards checking each invitation. A guard approaches and says "Invitation Please"... How are you getting into the Grand Ball?
As a hired mercenary, you have been assigned the task of eliminating a high ranking official. As a professional, you keep a secret journal off all your... exploits. Please share a paragraph from your journal regarding this assignment.
Please give a brief narrative of the life of a play character from your favorite Darkpaw game. (Do not use the actual name of one of your characters.)
You find yourself lost deep in a dark forest in the middle of nowhere. You are exhausted and hungry and are just about to give up when you notice a bright light just ahead. You continue to walk until you reach a clearing in the woods. In the middle of the clearing you see what appears to be an abandoned tower. Emitting from the very top window of the tower is the brightest light you have ever seen. All of a sudden you are hit with a new wave of energy and...
You turn a corner from a wooded forest into a clearing only to find yourself surrounded by a horde of Orcs. You know that there are too many to deal with yourself. How would you talk your way out of the situation?
You are a Shadowknight traveling along a forest path when you happen across a group of Halflings enjoying a Misty Thicket Picnic. Your stomach rumbles ...
The tavern is crowded. It’s a feast day of some kind and a dirty toothless fellow sits down next to you. He smells of old blood and cheap whiskey. His elbow digs into your ribs as he looks for change in his coin purse. What happens next?
Thank you. Please do take your time on your application and run it through a spell checker first. The Guides like a good story and would love to hear yours. Once you're happy with your application please click apply below.